

Our goal at White Water is toCreate Memories Worth Repeating庐 for every member of thefamily. This page is designed to assist you in planningyour visit to our park.听

Our Rides Guide and park maps are are helpful resources you can use to help you enjoy your time at White Water. You can download our Rides Guide via the link below. Park maps are posted at the turnstile entrance, at the Rentals location and the east and west side of the merchandise building. These locations include a picture layout of the park as well as park service information.

Guest Services

Guest Relations is located at the entrance of the park at the ticket booth. The staff can provide a variety of services and additional information on amenities available at the park.

ECV / Wheelchair

Guests may bring their own wheelchair or ECV into the park. WhiteWater reserves the right to refuse entry of any ECV deemed unsafefor operation on park grounds due to size, mechanical condition orfunctionality. Guest owned ECVs must have at least three wheels,measure no wider than 30 inches, be battery powered, and must beoperated by a single operator in a seated position. Please contactGuest Relations for more information. All guests using ECVs mustadhere to park rules and manufacturer鈥檚 guidelines.These rules include:

  • Please remain seated at all times
  • Only a single passenger on each ECV or wheelchair
  • Drive slowly and cautiously in crowded areas
  • Operate no faster than walking speed
  • Do not drive over curbs or on steps
  • Do not make sharp turns at high speeds or while on hills or wet areas

Due to the terrain of the park, guests using these devices shall remainon the designated walkways. Leaving any paved walkway may causethe ECV/Wheelchair to become unstable.The use of personal wheelchairs in all attractions is prohibited.Guest wishing to use an aquatics wheelchair may do so bycontacting a member of management or the First Aid office. The useof the Aquatics wheelchair is for transfer purposes only. Guest mustreturn the chair to First Aid after use.

There are wheelchair transfer entrances located at Surf's Up Wave Pool and Aloha River at Hula Hula Bay.

Safety & First Aid

The First Aid Office is located on the Kalani Towers side of themerchandise building. The office is staffed with state licensedEMTs and Paramedics. If you have an emergency, please contactany park host and he/she will notify First Aid to respond to you.Guests bringing medications that must remain cool and/or extraoxygen bottles may leave these items at First Aid. Please clearlylabel medications and other personal belongings with your name,address, and phone number. An ID may be required to retrievethe items.

Service Animals

Trained service animals as currently defined under the ADA, arewelcome at White Water. All service animals must remain on aleash or in a harness and be under the owner鈥檚 control at all times.Owners are responsible for disposing of animal waste. Serviceanimals are not permitted on any rides or pools at White Water.Hosts may not take responsibility for, or provide care to any serviceanimal.

Merchandise Shop And Restaurants

Please ask any host if you need assistance at any time or havespecial dietary needs. All menu items served have a detailedingredient list available at each restaurant upon request. Allergen-free menu options also available upon request.

Accessible Parking

Parking for guests with disabilities and van accessible spaces areavailable. All vehicles using a marked disabled parking spacemust have a government-issued license plate or a displayeddisabled parking tag.Accessible parking is utilized on a first-come, first-served basis.A guest drop-off area is available in front of our ticket booths.

Things To Know

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